Murdock Collaborative Research Conference!!

Today and tomorrow Audrey Smith and I will be attending the Murdock Collaborative Research Conference. This conference is specifically for undergraduate researchers at small liberal arts universities and is sponsored by the Murdock Charitable Trust. This is a pretty amazing meeting that gives undergraduates doing research the chance to shine. Pre-Covid there would be more than 500 attendees from 36 institutions in the the northwest. Attendance was intentionally reduced this year because of Covid (it was totally virtual last year), but the fact that it is live and in person this year is a win.

Audrey Smith kicked off the program this year with her talk on “Use of the Bill as a Heat Radiator by Anna’s Hummingbird, Calypte Anna.” She did an amazing job making all of us in the lab proud! Sadly Audrey was the only student from the Powers Lab to get to attend the meeting as they limited us to 10 attendees thanks to Covid. It would have been great to have Tiffany, Whitney, and Emily here as well. Regardless, all the George Fox students who did make it to the meeting did extremely well which is a testament to the quality of our program and the scholars that mentor our undergraduates in research.

Audrey Smith starting her talk at the Murdock Collaborative Science Research meeting.
Audrey’s title slide for her presentation.

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